Preparing CSV files

One of CollectionBatchTool’s underlying principles is that there should be one specified file format for each database table available for import (see which tables are available for import in the document on supported Specify tables). An import file should be in the comma-separated values (CSV) file format, with the first line containing column names. The names of the columns should be the same as in the corresponding database table, except for names of key-columns (see below).


The key-columns in import files are collectively referred to as SourceID-columns. These columns are functionally equivalent to the primary and foreign keys in database tables, but will not get imported directly into the database. Rather, they will be used for updating foreign key values before the data is uploaded. The names of the SourceID-columns resemble those of the database’s key-fields. Here is what they look like for agent-table data:

Database key-field SourceID-column
agentid agent_sourceid
createdbyagentid createdbyagent_sourceid
modifiedbyagentid modifiedbyagent_sourceid
parentorganizationid parentorganization_sourceid

To see the names of the key-columns, just check the key_columns attribute of your TableDataset object:

>>> agt = AgentDataset()
>>> agt.key_columns
{'agentid': 'agent_sourceid',
 'createdbyagentid': 'createdbyagent_sourceid',
 'modifiedbyagentid': 'modifiedbyagent_sourceid',
 'parentorganizationid': 'parentorganization_sourceid'}


Don’t know how to set up your database connetion? Have a look at the quickstart guide.

Which fields are available?

Which fields that are available for data import (or export) depends on the version of CollectionBatchTool you are using. You can get a list of available column names for the import file by examining at the file_columns attribute of your TableDataset object. The example below shows the columns available for import to (or export from) the agent-table.

>>> agt = AgentDataset()
>>> agt.file_columns
['agent_sourceid', 'createdbyagent_sourceid', 'modifiedbyagent_sourceid',
'parentorganization_sourceid', 'abbreviation', 'agenttype', 'dateofbirth',
'dateofbirthprecision', 'dateofdeath', 'dateofdeathprecision', 'datetype',
'email', 'firstname', 'guid', 'initials', 'interests', 'jobtitle', 'lastname',
'middleinitial', 'remarks', 'suffix', 'timestampcreated', 'timestampmodified',
'title', 'url', 'version']